Profili per console di illuminazione
[en] These show files contain custom made DMX Profiles by Quasar Science for the RR & R2
Questi showfile contengono profili DMX che corrispondono ai grafici DMX per il firmware 0.7 e 0.8 Sentiti libero di scaricarli e unirli al tuo show.. Nella maggior parte dei casi i profili Quasar Science integrati dal produttore della tua console sono mappati in modo errato, quindi utilizza questi.
[en] These profiles were made by us. In most cases the built-in fixture library provided by your console manufacturer is mapped incorrectly for our fixtures, so please use these profiles instead.
[en] To patch multiple pixels please see this article: Applicazione di patch a più pixel su HOG4. In some cases you may need to patch Global Parameters (i.e. +FX +Output, etc) after your pixels when using the fixture in multi-pixel modes.
[en] HOG Software v3.x
Questi profili HOG personalizzati sono solo in modalità 1 pix. Per correggere più pixel, consulta questo articolo: Applicazione di patch a più pixel su HOG4
[en] These profiles were built in HOG v3.21.1 and are 1-pix mode profiles only.
[en] HOG Software v4.x
[en] >>DOWNLOAD HOG v4.x Quasar Fixture Library<<
[en] We rebuilt the Quasar Science Fixture Library in the 4.2 software. This library has 1-pixel Profiles and 48-pixel Compound Fixtures! You can edit down the 48-pixel fixture in the Fixture Builder to your desired pixel count. Simply copy the Compound Type and delete the pixel Parts until you have the # of pixels you need. If the profile has Global Parameters at the end (i.e. Output Mode, FX, Color Space ,etc) do not remove those, leave them at the end. Only delete the repeating pixel parts to reach your desired pixel count.
[en] To Install:.
[en] Copy the library to a USB drive and insert the drive into the console.
[en] Go to: [Setup] (Shows)(File Browser)(*Flash drive*)
[en] Copy the file from the usb drive to your Show's "Libraries folder"
[en] Now when you "Add Fixture" you can select the Quasar Science library.
[en] Notable Changes: HOG 3.x could not have simple RGB profiles. Most of our profiles had to make use of CMY parameters and invert the intensity (very confusing). Now RGB profiles make use of the new Additive Red, Green, Blue parameters and the Color Picker works as it should.
[en] The CCT range is now the full 1750K - 10000K. HOG v3.x only allowed a minimum CCT value of 2000K.
[en] Crossfade parameter (a la Arri) = Colour Mixing
[en] Spectrum parameter = CRI (instead of sub-intensity... what the heck is that, right?)
[en] Unfortunately we STILL cannot custom-label Macro values. So for the Color Space & Effects parameters, refer to the DMX charts for Macro one, two, three, four, etc.
Piattaforma EOS
[en] Download the >>ETC-EOS Profiles for Quasar Science FW 0.9A <<
Salva lo showfile su una chiavetta USB; montare l'USB sulla Console.
Nel browser EOS CIA, vai su File → Unisci → Unità USB
Scegli Avanzate → Fixtures (solo)
Questo unirà tutti i profili nello showfile dell'utente nella cartella Fixtures "Personalizzate".
[en] When using the search function: All Profile names begin with the letters “RR-R2” followed by the Profile number, Attributes, Bit Depth and Pixel Count. For Example: RR-R2 P37 CCT RGB 16b 1-pix
[en] This EOS showfile contains both the 1-Pixel and 48-Pixel Multicell version of each available profile. To edit a profile for a smaller pixel count (i.e. R2-25 or RR-50) please see this article: Modifica dei dispositivi Quasar all'interno della libreria EOS Fixture.
[en] All 1-pixel profiles are the same across all Quasar Science RR-R2 models. If you need a pixel count between 1px and 48px, copy the 48px profile in the fixture editor, edit the [Cells #] to equal your desired # of pixels. Then Rename & Save the profile.
[en] These profiles will work with Firmware 0.9 since the mappings are the same as previous firmware releases..
Quasar Science - Profili RR R2
[en] See the help page for grandMA importing custom fixtures
[en] Find more resources for the RR-R2 at the Quasar Science Downloads Page