[en] sACN Merging
[en] Firmware 0.9 introduces merging with sACN Multicast networks
[en] LTP Merging
[en] In 0.9A, when sACN is selected as wired input, LTP merging is automatically on in the background. The controller that makes the Latest change to a DMX parameter will have control of that DMX parameter.
[en] This behavior has changed in the 0.9B update, the merge options are OFF, HTP or LTP. (scroll down to the HTP Merging section of this article)
[en] RR-R2 fixtures also respect sACN Priority. Priority can be used as a way to override LTP Merging when multiple Multicast streams are present. A light fixture that respects priority will listen to the Multicast stream with the highest priority over anything else.
[en] For example: If a lighting console is set to a sACN priority of 101 and the other controller is set to a sACN priority of 100, RR-R2 fixtures will listen to the console's output with priority 101.
[en] LTP merging allows two control sources at the same priority. LTP Merging is per DMX Channel, while sACN Priority is per Universe.

[en] The above diagram is an example use-case for LTP Merging where the media server might send out RGB pixel data while the Lighting Console controls Global Parameters such as CCT, +/-Green, Output Mode, etc.
[en] If you change the same parameters at the same time from both control sources when set to the same priority (i.e. sACN Priority of 100), the fixture's output will likely be chaotic. So coordinate your control of DMX parameters accordingly.
[en] Lastly, please note that RR-R2 fixtures support merging a maximum of (2) multicast streams on the same network.
[en] HTP Merging
[en] The >0.9B Update< adds a Merge Menu under Ethernet Settings
[en] With the 0.9B release, the [sACN Merge] Menu offers the following options: OFF, Highest and Latest. OFF = there is no merging enabled on the input and is also the default setting after a [Reset to Defaults] is performed. Merging is available in both Basic and Advanced Routing modes (i.e. sACN>DMX).
[en] Highest Takes Precedence merging is Per DMX Channel where the highest dmx value takes precedence for control over that dmx channel.
[en] sACN Priority rules apply to HTP the same as they do for LTP.