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CRMX to DMX Routing

Receive Wireless DMX and pass it to the wired DMX output

This Advanced Routing adds a DMX output to fixtures receiving Wireless DMX. Now you can use any RR-R2 fixture as Wireless receiver and pass that signal to its DMX output.

Navigate to [Config Menu] → [Advanced Routing] → [CRMX>DMX]


When in this mode the fixture acts as a normal CRMX receiving device as noted here: Wireless Control: CRMX / W-DMX with the added benefit of passing the incoming Wireless DMX to the wired DMX Output.

Note that the Status LEDs in some Advanced Routing modes may break conventions due to adopting an input/output color assignment where the incoming "Data" is from the Wireless signal. The Status LEDs will adopt DATA = Uni Color, Wireless = Red for monitoring DMX Output.



The Data LED will adopt the Universe Color that is set on the Transmitter. If no color is set the default Uni Color = Green.

Status LEDs

The Data Status LED will adopt the Wireless DMX behaviors:

  • No Link = Off

  • TX Linked but missing data = Slow Pulse Green/Uni Color

  • TX Linked, but TX is missing = Fast Flash Green/Uni Color

The Wireless Status LED will be Solid Red when a TX is Linked. It will turn OFF when there is no TX link.

The power of this Advanced Routing is that it allows for Wireless branching of your DMX chain


You can now combine DMX → CRMX on a lead fixture to jump Wireless DMX to different CRMX → DMX branches.


Remember to use proper DMX termination when daisy chaining the DMX output to other fixtures.