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Power Options

AC Power

The RR and R2 lights can be powered from AC power through a True 1 Power connector.  The Control side endcap has a power button. It accepts Universal Power from 110 to 240 volts for all power systems throughout the world.

DC Power

The Rainbow can be powered from DC power through a 2.1mm x 5.5mm locking barrel connector. It accepts 10 volts to 30 volts DC. (a non-locking 2.1mm barrel may also work but will not be secured)

Battery Usage

When running the lights on batteries the following chart can be used to estimate battery life. Many factors contribute to the length of time a battery will last, like age of battery, intensity of fixtures and more. The following should be used as a guide only.  At 24 volts in the same capacity expect double the runtime.  Please ensure the battery/cable can handle the amperage.

Battery Size:

3200 mAh

6000 mAh

7200 mAh

10,000 mAh






Q25R2 Runtime:

1.9 amps

60 minutes

90 minutes

160 minutes

240 minutes

Q50R2 / RR50 Runtime:

3.8 amps

30 minutes

60 minutes

90 minutes

120 minutes

Q100R2 / RR100 Runtime:

7.6 amps



30 minutes

60 minutes


When on battery power and the battery is below operating voltage the Rainbow will begin to flash.