Configuring RR & R2 Fixtures using RDM
Quasar Science fixtures can be remotely configured using RDM over DMX
The following commands are available via RDM in Basic Routing [DMX512] wired input only. The latest RDM Chart can be Downloaded Here. (Firmware 0.9a and 0.9b have the same RDM implementation)
Advanced Routing RDM Notes
CRMX>DMX Routing - The lead CRMX fixture will show up via RDM discovery, but nothing downstream via wired DMX. RDM does not pass through this routing.
DMX>CRMX Routing - RDM is currently disabled in 0.9A due to causing issues on the TimoTwo receiving end. This may change in a future release.
ArtNet>Any Routing - The lead ArtNet fixture will show up via RDM discovery only. RDM does not pass through this routing to downstream DMX.
RDM Parameters
Identify/Discovery - When enabled the fixture will flash blue to identify the fixture until the user stops the process.
Set DMX Address - Sets the start address for the fixture
Choose Fixture Profile - Sets what fixture profile the fixture will use
Enable/Disable Status LEDs - A numeric value to turn the status LEDs in the fixture On or Off. Default value is 1.
0 = Off
1 = On
Change Output Mode - A numeric value to change output mode of the fixture. Default value is 2.
0 = Low Output
1 = Normal Output
2 = High Output
Change Pixel Mode - A numeric value to set the Pixel count of the fixture. The below chart defines the values.
Fixture Type
Pixel Selection
# of Pixels
Set Fixture Name - Allow the user to assign a name to the fixture using RDM that is discoverable using RDM.
Display fixture temperature - Allow the user to remotely onitor the temperature of the fixture using RDM
Power Cycle Fixture - Allow the user to power cycle fixtures over RDM. The fixture will rebbot with its current configuration.
Reset Fixture - Allow the user to reset the fixture to factory default configuration
Resetting the fixture to default over Wireless DMX will result in a loss of wireless connectivity due to the fixture turning off the CRMX receiver.
Set Fixture # Display - Toggle the Fixture # Display feature on or off
Set Fixture # DisplaySet the Fixture # for the device that will be shown on the Fixture # display. RDM uses Number.SubNumber (i.e. # = 1001 and Sub # =.1 will display a Fixture # of 1001.1)
Set Color Engine Bit Depth As of firmware 0.9a you can set the bit depth of the LED dimming engine to 12-bit or 16-bit.
Using RDM with DMXcat to reconfigure Quasar Fixtures
Bluetooth pair your phone or tablet to the DMXcat
Choose RDM controller
RDM devices will populate to device list
Tapping on the device listed opens the quick menu where the DMX Start address can be changed
User can Identify Fixture by choosing the Lightbulb icon
User can enter the RDM menu by choosing the RDM icon
User can enter the DMX database by choosing the DMX icon
Basic Info
Read the Device Label. Here you can name the device as will be seen over RDM and Network connections
Change the DMX start address. This is where the user can change the DMX start address of the fixture
Change the DMX personality The RDM menu has more expansive options for changing device settings. This is where the user can change the profile the fixture is set to
Product Info
Fixture Type
Device Label
Firmware version
Collection of RDM Info to be sent to City Theatrical (optional - if it's a new lighting fixture that's not in their library)
Displays the device's operating Temperature
Power Lamp
Device hours
Lamp hours
These options only reboot the fixture, this is not a "Set to Default" option.
Manufacturer Settings
Status LEDs Enable - This is where the user can enable(1) or disable(0) the status LEDs on the fixture
Output Mode - This is where the user can set the fixture to either High (2), Normal (1), or Low (0) output.
Pixel Selection - This is where the user can set the number of pixels the fixture uses.
Fixture # Enable - This is where you can enter enable(1) or disable(0) of the Fixture # display feature
Fixture # This is where you can enter a fixture # from 1 thru 9999
Fixture Subnumber - This is where you can enter a decimal of the Fixture # from .01 thru .99
Reset to Default - This is where you can leave it at 0 = no reset, or enter 1 and it will reset the fixture to Factory Defaults.
Color Engine LED Bit Depth - Set the LED DImming engine to 12-bit or 16-bit
Using RDM on EOS
RDM needs to be enabled in several locations on EOS to use it.
To enable RDM over network
In the Shell → Settings → Network → Interface Protocols → RDM
To enable RDM from the DMX ports on the console
Displays → Setup -> System → Output
Toggle RDM on for the port being used
*Device restart is required
To use RDM within EOS
Patch → Device List → RDM → Device Discovery → Enabled
Toggle format to be in Address view to see RDM devices
*Build 2.92 and later Only show RDM devices in address view
Fixture on the Device List can be configured by selecting them
Using RDM on Concert
Quasar fixtures can be configured remotely using RDM and ETC’s free Concert software. Concert is a device management program that can be run on the EOS line of consoles or a computer connected to the lighting control network. Whether running on a console or laptop your devices need to be in the same IP range for discovery.
RDM needs to be enabled in several locations for this to function correctly.
To enable RDM over network
In the Shell → Settings → Network → Interface Protocols → RDM
Using RDM on Concert (if using Concert from the shell of an EOS console set the following)
Launch Concert and create Network Map
Select Gateway on the Network Map
Select port and Enable RDM
Send device configuration to devices.
Recreate Network map to see RDM devices
Select Quasar Fixtures
Modify devices
Send Device configuration to device.
Using RDM with Supernova app over wireless DMX
Quasar fixtures can be configured remotely using RDM and Lumen Radio Supernova App. Supernova is a device management program that can be run on a computer connected to the lighting control network.
Connect the Quasar Science fixture to the wireless transmitter. Detailed instructions can be found here.
Launch Supernova App on a computer connected to the Wireless DMX transmitter.
Allow Supernova to discover connected RDM devices. If this does not happen at start up Discovery can be launched by clicking on the Discovery Icon (Magnifying Glass) on the upper task bar
RDM Devices can be selected and modified by clicking on them. This opens a device window that allows the user to modify the various fields on the fixture. When done making changes to the fixture press transmit to send the new configuration to the device.
This feature requires the TimoTwo chip to be updated to firmware or later, which can be updated via USB with the latest Firmware