EOS Pixel Map Guide
How to setup a pixel map using a Quasar Science 206 array
Pixel mapping on the EOS line of consoles takes the Media Server approach. Built into the EOS software is what ETC refers to as a Virtual Media Server (VMS) that generates the pixel map layer, then you can add Media Layers and FX Layers on top of the VMS base layer for complex maps.
Pixel mapping can be as simple or as complex to suit your needs. Usually the parameter count of your console/Nomad system will be the limiting factor for how many pixels you can control at once.
In this example we will use a Quasar Science 206 (an array of six RR50 fixtures)
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Each RR50 supports a maximum of 20 pixels arranged in pairs
Grab the latest Quasar Science Firmware with the VRGB profiles for pixel mapping video content. Download HERE. In this tutorial we will make use of Profile 62 from the v0.7 release.
Also download our custom-built DMX Profiles for the EOS platform, which are mapped correctly to our DMX charts. It is likely the built-in profiles in ETC's fixture library are out-of-date. Get our EOS SHOWFILE HERE. that has the dmx profiles you will need.
Profile 62: VRGB 16-bit | |||||
Channel | Function | Value | Percentage | Description | Default % / DMX |
1/2 | Red | 0-65,535 | 0-100 | 0 | |
3/4 | Green | 0-65,535 | 0-100 | 0 | |
5/6 | Blue | 0-65,535 | 0-100 | 0 | |
Relative Colormetric - xy Calibrated, Fixed White Point of D65, Rec709, High Output |
So in P62, (6) addresses per pixel multiplied by (20) cells will take up 120 DMX addresses per RR50 fixture. Once you've downloaded the EOS DMX Profiles (noted above) import the profile "RR P 62 VRGB 16B Pixs48 MC [288] [48 Cells]" into your showfile. Instructions for merging profiles into your show can be found Here.
We need to edit the larger profile to match the pixel-count of the RR50 fixture. In EOS you can simply make copy of the 48-cell version of Profile 62 in the Fixture Editor and edit it to 20-cells for the RR50
Save and Label to your edited 20-cell version of Profile 62. Now we can patch our fixtures.
In this example we will patch the 20-cell version to Channels 101 thru 106.
We can fit a maximum of (4) RR50 fixtures in a single universe. I prefer using the Port/Offset view in the patch window. Here you can see Fixtures 101 thru 104 are patched @ 2/1 (Universe/Address), and fixtures 105 thru 106 are patched @ 3/1.
The EOS Virtual Media Server
Eos family consoles have a built-in Virtual Media Server (VMS). The VMS does not output video content to video devices (such as projectors or televisions) but rather allows media content to be mapped onto DMX-capable devices such as LEDs. There are three layer-types available for creating pixel maps, but only two layers are necessary to create a simple 2D map.
Layer Type 1: Virtual Media Server - This is the actual "external media server box" created as a virtual fixture that you access from the Moving Light Controls tab. This Layer is mandatory and must be assigned to a Channel Number in your patch list.
Layer Type 2: Virtual Media Layer - EOS comes with a starter library of video files to get you going for the most popular pixel map needs. You can have multiple layers of Media content layered on top of each other, but in this tutorial we will use just one layer of media content to drive our pixel map.
Layer Type 3: Virtual FX Layer - The FX Layer creates procedurally-generated video animations as the basis of your pixel map output. This content is created algorithmically, in real-time, using Perlin Noise and Color Gradient algorithms instead of rendering pre-recorded video files such as the Media Layer does. Because the FX Layer uses simple-but-powerful algorithms to create animations there is no need for a massive library of video files for this type of content.
EOS supports up to (12) Media Layers and Effect Layers total per Virtual Media Server
Since these "Layers" are all virtual they do not use any DMX addresses. You simply patch them to a channel # and access their features in the Moving Light Control tab.
For this example we will patch our Layers as follows:
Virtual Media Server to Channel 9000
Virtual Media Layer to Channel 9001
As you can see no DMX addresses are used. But these are the channels we will control the pixel map from
Building The Pixel Map
Since the RR50's are (2) rows of (10) cells each, let's create Pixel Map 1 and set the size of the map area. Open a Pixel Map TAB, and type [1 Enter] to edit Pixel Map 1.
Each Pixel Map needs the following data filled in (click the field to select):
Server Channel: In our case it is channel 9000
Label: Give your Pixel Map a name!
Interface: DMX, sACN, ArtNet
Width: Total pixel width of the map (set it to 20)
Height: Total pixel height of the map (set it to 20)
Media Channel: In our case it is channel 9001
FX Layer: You may skip this assignment as it is optional
Now we have Pixel Map 1 setup with an area of 20x20 pixels. Still in the Pixel Map TAB press the {Edit} softkey (lower right of screen) and now click&hold&drag your mouse pointer in the pixel grid to highlight two rows of 10 pixels for Fixture 101.
Once you have the pixels highlighted, enter the Start Channel and Patch Orientation for the RR50 fixture #101.
Note the Horizontal Order = Left to Right. Vertical Order = Top to Bottom. Direction = Columns.
See the reference arrow showing you how the pixels will be patched. Set the Start Channel to 101 and click APPLY to auto-patch the 20 cells of the fixture.
Rinse & Repeat for fixtures 102 - 106 until you have all six fixtures patched in the map. Selecting two rows per RR50 using the fixture # as the Start Channel.
You can optionally Move the pixels around for better visual reference. Grab two rows at a time with your mouse and space the fixtures apart as follows.
As you can see here I prefer to space the fixtures out instead of having one big block of pixels. This makes it easier to see what video content is hitting which fixture in your Pixel Map Preview. When you've addressed all the pixels click the {Done} softkey (lower right of screen)
Go back to Live
Open a Pixel Map Preview TAB and a Moving Light Control TAB
Bring your Server Layer and Media Layer channels to Full
[Channel 9000 @ Full Enter] (the is essentially just "turning on" the media server)
[Channel 9001 @ Full Enter] (you will use this channel to control your pixel map parameters)
You do not need to change the intensity or RGB parameters in channels 101 thru 106 since the DMX values will be derived from the video content of the Media Layer.
In Channel 9001 (Media Layer) scroll to the Playback parameters in Moving Light Control. Select the following:
Playback Mode = Loop Forward
Library = Lib 0 (Media Library Folders on your drive are named 000 - 255)
File: In this example let's use FIP3 which is a white/black gradient that will scroll across the pixel map.
Scale: try a Scale of 30 to start. You can see how this changes the video playback in the Pixel Map Preview Tab
If media thumbnails are not populating in the Library 0 folder, you may not have the media library installed. You can download it here: ETC's Pixel Mapping Stock Media.
Take a look at your Pixel Map Preview Tab. You should see the video scrolling under your cells from Pixel Map 1 and see the output on your array of RR50 tubes!
If you wish to dive deeper into pixel maps visit the ETC Virtual Media Server training page